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MAP Policy

Minimum Advertised Price Policy 


Since its inception, The Lazy Dog & Co. has built a strong reputation for high quality in its products and service. To protect its reputation and foster a competitive environment in the US toy industry, and to protect the brands it carries, The Lazy Dog & Co. has unilaterally established minimum prices at which its dealers, distributors, or resellers may advertise its products. 


Our minimum advertised price (“MAP”) policy applies to all dealers, distributors, and resellers, including, but not limited to, brick and mortar stores, e-commerce, mail order, and catalog companies. 


1. This policy has been unilaterally established by The Lazy Dog & Co. 


2. The MAP for all products distributed by The Lazy Dog & Co. shall be the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (“MSRP”) as listed in The Lazy Dog & Co.’s most recent price list. Products may not be advertised for less than the MSRP. 


3. Our MAP policy applies to all advertised pricing of our products. “Advertising” includes, but is not limited to: flyers, brochures, inserts, promotional mailers, coupons, newspaper and print, direct response, magazines, catalogs, internet and all other electronic media, television, and radio. 


4. This MAP policy does not apply to in-store advertising that is not distributed to the customer. 


5. Online pricing:

A. Pricing displayed online is considered “advertised price” and must follow our MAP policy. “Click for price” and pre-formatted email responses are understood as initiated by the seller and are considered advertising under this MAP policy. 


B. When the price becomes associated with a purchase (i.e. “add to cart” or “proceed to checkout”), the price becomes the selling price and is no longer bound by The Lazy Dog & Co.’s MAP policy. Statements such as “add to cart to see price” are acceptable. 


​6. Advertising our products as part of a discounted package of several items that has the effect of our products being advertised below MAP pricing is in violation of this MAP policy. 


7. The Lazy Dog & Co.’s MAP policy applies only to advertised prices, not selling prices. Dealers, distributors, and resellers retain the right to sell The Lazy Dog & Co. products at any price they choose. 


8. Temporary sales, discounts, and promotions that effectively or actually lower prices on our products below MAP are acceptable with prior approval by The Lazy Dog & Co. No outside representative is authorized to grant such approval. Approval may be granted only by The Lazy Dog & Co. Our MAP administrator or another authorized representative of the company will review such requests on a case by case basis. The Lazy Dog & Co. is the sole arbiter of such decisions and reserves the right to make any such decision unilaterally. 


9. The Lazy Dog & Co. also reserves the right to unilaterally designate promotional periods, during which time enforcement of the MAP policy may be temporarily altered and/or suspended. 


10. No sales representative has the authority to modify or grant exceptions to this policy. 


11. Sanctions: If any dealer, distributor, or reseller does not follow this MAP policy, sanctions may be unilaterally imposed by The Lazy Dog & Co. Intentional or repeated failure to follow this MAP policy may result in our products no longer being shipped to that account and termination of any business relationship. The Lazy Dog & Co. does not intend to do business with dealers, distributors, and/or resellers who compromise the perceived value of The Lazy Dog & Co. or its products. Therefore, The Lazy Dog & Co. reserves the right not to sell to any reseller found in violation of this policy. 


12. The Lazy Dog & Co. may monitor the advertised prices of dealers, distributors, or resellers for compliance either directly or through third parties. 


13. The Lazy Dog & Co. and its MAP policy administrator has the sole responsibility for determining if a violation of the MAP policy has occurred and what the consequences will be. 


14. Enforcement of this MAP policy is at the sole discretion of The Lazy Dog & Co. The Lazy Dog & Co. is the sole arbiter of its MAP policy and reserves the right to take unilateral action in its enforcement, and in its sole discretion. Therefore, no dealer, distributor, or reseller has any right to rely on the continued existence of the MAP policy, or on efforts by The Lazy Dog & Co. to enforce its MAP policy. 


15. The Lazy Dog & Co. reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel this policy (in whole or part) at any time. 


The Lazy Dog & Co. believes this policy enhances and protects the status of the above brands and all retailers who sell them. It is our goal at The Lazy Dog & Co. to support our retailers so they can invest confidently in these outstanding products. 


Thank you for your understanding in this important matter. We look forward to a wonderful working relationship with you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact 

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